About Industry 4.0?

About Industry 4.0?

About Industry 4.0?

It is one of the emerging technologies that can reduce the size needs of industries, investment and costs, giving rise to smarter and smaller factories. The Internet of All Things (Internet Everything-IoE), Big Data, automation, robotics and 3D printing applications are called Industry 4.0. This new concept was coined by Germany and allows to make the factories more intelligent and competitive. In addition, it makes possible new productive models with greater balance between sectors, where manufacturing is closer to customers to allow more customized products to be manufactured. New industries are already appearing with the concept of customizing products. While a large multinational can only give names to soda cans, in the food sector the Murcian company MuesliMix offers customers a web simulator, which allows customers to fill their boat choosing the components of cereals and fruits, check Calories, put your name in the boat and receive it in 24 hours at your home.